too short (that's what she said)
Subliminal Messages/Advertising Does Not Work, take some Psy courses and then a Cognition Course.............knowing's half the battle...............
too short (that's what she said)
Subliminal Messages/Advertising Does Not Work, take some Psy courses and then a Cognition Course.............knowing's half the battle...............
Pulp Fiction is a little played out.......But this submission is decent compared to 55% of the crap in the portal(Yes I Contribute the the crap, So What)
been there done that
I AIn't gonna cry about the dld time cuz I got fast connection and some O my shit files is big too, but cum on man, This has been done...ANd well, I can honestly say I didn't like this, because it was just imported pics and 2 frames of anim for the guys mouth. The only redeaming part was the drawing at the very end with the dude on his knees. Well, I'll give it a 3 overall, maybe that's generous.
Meaningless, Pointless, Retarded...................... . In other words I loved it!
Who says flash shorts need to have any meaning to be enjoyable.
poop eat fish he he
I like crazy, bonkers, ridiculous, retarded, immature, stupid flash shorts like this! Make more!
hahahahahahaz ahahahahahaha ahaha
Seriously, I laughed my arse off@! I just have such an affinity for totally bonkers flash shorts!, I love weird mayhem like this so much! Make the eyes all googley and I'll give U higher votes!
love that song
I Havn't heard that song in years! Good hearing it again! But add some animation next time, please.
wonka doodle do
ok, it must have been a real bitch to capture those images and stick em in flash frame by frame, so that's why I gave U a 3. Why only a 3? Oh, Fuck me? Dragon Ball Z is real trendy and well, unorigional, and I Don't know much about it, but I don't like it. Don't Like it, wa wa wa all the way home.
I miss the beastiality ads on NG.
midget haberdasher
College Is A Waste Of Time
Joined on 7/6/00