pREttY fUnnY 1 tIME. Keep up the effort. FAr BETTER THAN ANY MOVIE CONTAInING A STICK_FIGURE or a "trailer"
pREttY fUnnY 1 tIME. Keep up the effort. FAr BETTER THAN ANY MOVIE CONTAInING A STICK_FIGURE or a "trailer"
Unexpected Mahem!
Well, I never expected a microwave to be such a dubious device for death. The "Curbing" on button 2 is pure evil and I love it! Crush! Kill! Destroy!
A Joy To Watch
Thankyou. I Love This Movie. Animation (bodies that move!) Celebrites~! Voice Acting! Drugs! Mention of the 80's!
You Rule!
Whats Wrong, Your Mommy Didn't Love You?
Cool Art. Make Something Longer. (Like I should Talk) Yeah, No Stick Figure! I Hate them so fkn much!
Your Movies Are Why The Portal Still Survives!
Well All I can Say Is You Have Done It Again. Great Movie! I Watch You "REAL MTB" On A Daily Basis!
Quireo Tu Mama's y tu hermana's Puta
Ok, You want cut and paste pics, Thats Ok, but do it more creatively. My Techno Movie is an example of using prexisting images, but a lot of work went in to it, not like your movie where you just looped a 2 second animation of that taco rat's body humping shit~!
xvllvx Likey Very Much! Transformers Rule!
xvllvx Likey Transformers! This Ain't The First Movie W/ Transformers, Seen One Before, But Nice Change From The 5 Second Stick-Figure-Crap That Overflows The Portal Like A Swollen Tampon Stuck In The Shitter. I Gave It A 3 For Effort, The Only Criticism From Me Is That It Needs Some Voice Acting, But Fuck What I Think...Keep Up The Good Work!
I miss the beastiality ads on NG.
midget haberdasher
College Is A Waste Of Time
Joined on 7/6/00