totally bonkers!
Great First Entry in the Portal! Making Movies Cuz U Like em is the best reason to make em.
.........But I Like guns............... gotta keep those Red Coats Outta my Corn field, he he he.
totally bonkers!
Great First Entry in the Portal! Making Movies Cuz U Like em is the best reason to make em.
.........But I Like guns............... gotta keep those Red Coats Outta my Corn field, he he he.
EHEhhehehe Hahhahahahah, I laughed.
video games
With so many video game parodys it's hard to pick a favorite, But this one floated to the top of my list, next to the OJ one.
The worst possible music used..................An exact copy of the shit on MTV, MTV is For Mindless Fools and Corporate Robots Who Can't Think For Themselves, Shame on You. I Bet U Try To Call In To TRL Every Day.
I am so sick of this Nintendo Rom Shit. Do something origonal, and that involves, I don't know, drawing something you actually did! God damn what's next, NINJA GIADEN fukn ROm Shit. Oh Ninja You Saved Princess, Oh Oh Or Contra? Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, B, Start? Or Fukn Ikari Warriors, A,B,B,A, Start!
High Grade Stuff
DEFINITELY GOING ON MY TOP 10 PERSONAL FAVORITE LIST! Great Drawing and Scene cHanges. Guess I'll Check Out Your Site Too. 2001? Man, Guess It'll Be aNother Real High Quality Short.
wow a Budlight commercial, Great, We don't see enough pop-up ads on the net everyday or on tv or on billboards or every fukn place I go, then I come to the Portal for my daily salvation and I am subjected to more advertising, now in a submission. You fit very well into the Machine which I call hell and you call life. I used to work for that fkn company and hate them with a passion so intense that mere words can not express. Anyway sorry, guess it rubbed off on my voting.
Now Thats Funny, The Sterotyped Chinese Fellow was A Little Irritating, But It Didn't Bring Down The Humor You Had Going in This Short. He Would Have been just as funny w/out the accent. HA HA HA This Little Piggy Laughed all The WaY Home!
I miss the beastiality ads on NG.
midget haberdasher
College Is A Waste Of Time
Joined on 7/6/00